O Sensei Memorial in Prospect Park, Saturday, May 13. More information here.


History of Aikido

Aikido is a martial way that was created in Japan in the early 1920s by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) or O Sensei. O Sensei, which means 'great teacher,' was a man dedicated to the study of classical martial arts including the sword, spear, staff, and various types of empty-hand combat. O Sensei developed aikido through an intense and committed lifelong study of these ancient warrior traditions.

O Sensei, however, was not merely satisfied to create an effective form of self-defense or combat. He sought true victory over himself as well. Through vigorous spiritual and physical training, the art of aikido emerged, which in Japanese means "way of harmony with the fundamental force of the universe." Like other Japanese martial traditions, O Sensei's aikido was a type of Budo, or martial path meant for the polishing of the spirit as well as the body. "The purpose of training," said O Sensei, "is to tighten up the slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit."

The daily practice of aikido

There are no competitions in aikido. Instead, a student's development is marked by their interaction with others and their ability to blend with an attack or deliver one, take a fall safely, and redirect an aggressor's energy. After the teacher has demonstrated a technique, students practice in pairs, alternating turns as attacker and defender. Aikido techniques depend primarily on circular movements to harmonize with an aggressor's force. Additional training with a wooden sword (bokken) and a staff (jyo) complements the body art and allows for improved stance, timing, and distance in martial encounters.​

Training in aikido improves flexibility, muscle tone, endurance, and the stimulation and direction of ki (universal energy). Moreover, through disciplined and focused study, aikido students learn to become more centered in their lives, allowing a sense of calm to penetrate their actions and thoughts.